Top 5 customer service trends to watch in 2020

Business Communication
December 2, 2022
Top 5 customer service trends to watch in 2020

Learn how businesses are stepping up their customer service with these best practices

Good customer service is essential to customer acquisition and retention. So much so that when it comes to deciding whether or not to do business with a company, customer service is a big consideration for 90% of Americans [1].

Here are five customer service trends to look out for in 2020 to improve your clients’ experience:

  1. Provide a unified communication solution

Enabling your support team to keep consistent communication with your customers is key to providing good customer service.

Utilizing technology and keeping important information in the same place will help you smoothly run your business. You can achieve this by integrating your CRM with your business phone solution to unify your communication system.

Can your customers send your business text or WhatsApp messages? How are you keeping up and managing those? You should look for a business phone solution that offers more than phone calls.

  1. Engage with customers on a person-to-person level

73% of customers stay loyal to a brand because of friendly customer service representatives [1].

Every interaction is an opportunity to create a lasting connection with your customers, so make them count! Approaching them with an attitude of respect and friendliness won’t go unnoticed.

  1. Be open to customer feedback

Giving your customers a chance to tell you about their experience with your company shows them that you value them.

Sending out surveys, reading and responding to your reviews, and thanking customers for their feedback are all great ways to learn about what you’re doing right and where you can improve.

  1. Reduce the amount of work for the customer

The most important aspect of good customer service, according to 73% of consumers, is showing them that you value their time [1].

This is accomplished through creating straightforward, easy ways to get support and information and providing quick, efficient service.

  1. Educate your employees

Proper training gives your employees the knowledge and confidence to do their job efficiently, making for a smooth customer service experience.

72% of customers will tell others about their positive experience with a company [2], so providing good customer service is a great way to promote your business—both directly and indirectly.

Voxtell can provide a unified customer experience through our OfficeFlex, WhatsApp and CRM integrations so that you never miss an important customer interaction!

Click here to learn more about what we do and how we can transform communication for your business.

Sofia at Voxtell

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